Montgomery / Wood Evangelism Team - Nicaragua

Omar Barquero

Teams Coordinator - Nicaragua
September 2021

Montgomery / Wood Evangelism Team - Nicaragua

     Luke 15:6-7 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ 7 Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
     What a great verse to be reminded after last week. Thanks to our Lord and Savior, 24 people accepted Jesus as personal Savior and Lord of their lives; 10 recommitted their lives to our Lord, and more than 200 kids were able to hear the Gospel and also some of them were able to make a decision to follow Jesus.
     Our group visited 100 families and shared the Gospel in 3 different locations in the area of Carazo. (Potrerillos, Los Encuentros and San Jose de Gracia). We were able to see the church in Los Potrerillos for the first time working together to host a small evangelistic team, and leading our evangelism team to be the support to the other churches in the region.
     One of the highlights and the importance of the support and partnership from the Montgomery / Wood team towards this kind of activity, was the opportunity that we gave to people like pastor Daniel Espinoza from El Madroño Granada, who brought with him four men from his church. He has been sharing the Word to everyone of them, walking with them side by side and living the Christian life with them in a practical way; and this week he was teaching them how to share their faith and become fishers of other men. This fit exactly in what our values as a biblical and Christian organization are -- Evangelism and Discipleship.
     The other reason why I personally thank God for this kind of partnership, is because we nationals (pastors, church members and staff) as the body of Christ in Nicaragua and part of BMDMI, are able to accomplish the “Great Commission” and also live what we learn in our churches and put all that Biblical teaching into practice and this is what we call discipleship.
     The questions that some of you may be thinking after this great week, are:
     Should we continue coming as a team to Nicaragua?
     My answer to that is a “yes” because as I mentioned it before, this is a partnership and now more than ever we see it is a reality. For years you have been teaching us how important is the mission work and the great commission. Now your one North American team is now multiplied in two small national evangelism teams.
     Is this investment worthy to continue sponsoring?
     I will also say “yes”. You are giving us the opportunity to serve our own people. As the Body of Christ you and we Nicaraguans are part of the same family. @e all have been bought by the blood of the Lamb, and as one body, this week with your support we have been able to see how God can use both teams together.
Omar Barquero
Teams Coordinator
BMDMI Nicaragua
